Promoting a healthy and positive experience for endurance athletes.
Coach Amy Coach Liz Podcast cover art.png

The Coach Amy and Coach Liz Show

Created with endurance athletes in mind

Created with endurance athletes in mind. Coaches Amy and Liz have a combined thirty years of coaching and seven decades of competing in endurance sports. They cover topics relevant to athletes at various levels of participation: those training for a personal challenge to those competing for an age group placement or race qualification.


Listening to Music on Your Run, Bike or Swim?

Coach Amy listening to Hooked On Classics during a ride. And apparently eating a chocolaty source of fuel and leaving remnants on teeth and cheek! Such a glamorous sport.

What’s this podcast about?

Listening to music while running, biking, and swimming.

In a short and sweet podcast, Coach Amy and Liz discuss their listening preferences while running, biking, and swimming. Listen in to discover their answers and learn a little about their reasons for liking or disliking music during exercise.

Is that Text “bing” Your phone?

Please excuse the inadvertent “bing” accompaniment to our cast. Coach Amy forgot to turn off her phone during our recording session.


We are still learning the ins and outs of recording! You may need to adjust your volume a bit for this podcast. It might be a little too loud.